Yes, I am playing with my blog design AGAIN !! I get bored so easy any more...hahaha.

Well my John is back at Fort Benning and has his good days and not so good days, I'm so afraid he's going to get bored and just drop out, he's not in a company yet due to him getting physical therapy for those stress fractures, I've told him time and time again to try and stick that out, but he's got to stay busy, they do have him in a group of late starters, but at one time they had him with the " quieter's " and he HATED that, he told they " Mooom, they are just d@mn depressing " I told him " Son, you would be too if you had to stay there for 3 1/2 months and do nothing but crap stuff and get no privileges at all." these are boys & girls who in the very get go realized this Army stuff just wasnt for them or they just couldnt handle the boot camp part, military isnt for everyone I told him, still praying for my baby, I will ALWAYS & continue to pray for him....
Amanda has been spending a little more time with me and I have to say it's been nice having someone to watch t.v. with even if it is her shows and to have someone to eat dinner with, eating with John's pup at my side just isnt cutting it....Sunday in church Pastor said " If there is something in your life you have been trying to take care of and just cant handle it any more, come down and give it ALL, all of it to the LORD, so there I went, with tears just rolling down my face, make up smearing, nose running, I mean the works and I gave it every bit back to him for HIS help and I felt so much better, I thought I had given her back to JESUS but I guess some of me still kept her in MY arms, so with my eyes closed I laid her in HIS lap with HIS arms embracing her, she now is HIS.....

Good to hear from you, and good to hear that your kids are around you to love them.
Love you Nettie!
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