This very handsome man that I had the very special honors to call my brother, my BEST friend, my buddy, my mentor, Joe Joe, Joey left this world 2 years ago today, and there isnt a day or night that does not go by that I dont tell him I love him & miss him...I can now look at this picture and talk him about him with out crying, there are time's I do. Our Mom still has not gone out to his final resting place and maybe might not ever, she said he's not there, it's just a shell of his
body and I have to say I understand that, but for me I so enjoy going out to his final resting place it's " MY " alone time with him, all my life I had this handsome man in my life, he was the one man who never walked out of life at sometime!! I sit here and think of some of the stuff we did to our mom and smile, some of the things we said to her and giggle, remember some of the things we did to mom before she went into surgery for heart surgery while mom was high on meds to relax her and laugh it's those kind of memories that I will cherish the rest of my life, here's an example of one thing HE put me up to and denied when Mom and Bill came home from a 2 week cruz in Europe...Him and I where talking and I told him how much I missed mom...he ( with out much encouraging ) told me to call their home phone and leave a conversation on it as if I was talking to her, so I did!! and when the answering machine hung me up I called it back and said " Why did you hang up on me Mom I wasnt done talking" and continued to talk, well when they came home my step dad played the answering machine and heard my one sided conversation and told our mom " I think Annette might be doing drugs " when I told Joey this he laughed so hard, and the one time he told me to put fluorescent sticky notes all over their slider when they where gone for a week saying random stuff, I had to call him and ask things to write cause I ran out of things to write, I wrote things like the temperature out side was....the color of flowers, what ever I could think of, their slider was covered in fluorescent colored sticky notes...and he denied having anything to do with any of this!!!

I miss him so much but I no for a fact one day I will see him again....
I love you Joey~
My brother drove one of these, in fact this
is what my brother just got doing the
the night he left....

I miss him so much but I no for a fact one day I will see him again....
I love you Joey~
My brother drove one of these, in fact this
is what my brother just got doing the
the night he left....
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