By golly George it's been a long time since I have posted, so much has happened since the last post, for starters..my John is home but will go fly back to boot camp Oct. 3 to finish, he came home cause he had stress fractures in both calves and usually they dont let them come home in his company, they usually are made to stay there or quit, I talked to John one night on the phone for a long time and he just wanted to give up, he was fed up, disappointed, in pain, the enemy had him right where he wanted him, I tried and tried and tried to give him words of encouragement and it just wanst working, the enemy had him good, I told him " Son, go talk to your Sr. Srgt, they all know whats going on and they're watching you too see how long it's gonna take you to buckle, just give your best shot honey" that night I laid in his bed and prayed that his Srgt. would have a merciful heart and see my Johns heart and desire, I told my heavenly father, " Father, I give my son back to you, he's all your's, from every hair strand in his beautiful head to the last toe nail on his strong feet, he's your's" the next day I got a phone call from my son, on his Srgt. phone telling me he's coming home and only for 3 weeks, and that he's going back and will get to go back where he left off at,PRAISE THE LORD!!!! he doesnt get to graduate with his new friends he made but they are letting come back, which is unusual, LORD heard my prayers, I'm still praying for his calves which have gotten so much better, no more pain, no more iburphoen being taken, no more swelling, but I do know LORD is still healing him!!!!! So graduation will be at later date, I'm thinking the middle of Nov. or the very latest the middle of Dec.
Now for Amanda, O this daughter of mine.....she got herself in LOTS of trouble, I thought I would never repeat this but here it goes, she got herself a DUI back in July, she kept from us for 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well mom found out and I didnt yell, didnt threaten, didnt throw up against the wall, I was very calm when I told her I found out, see the enemy wanted me to do all those things then some, I w
anted to but couldnt, I could feel JESUS had control of my emotions, well she's looking at some HUGE fines, community service, she picked that instead of doing 5 days in jail, classes for 4 months that she HAS to pay for for, she's on her own on this one, I did threaten Larry and told him if he helped his little DUI princess out that would be the straw the breaks the camels back, she has to learn something on her own, I prayed for LORD to have his way with her and her partying, I told him " LORD, do what ever you need to do with her, no matter what it is you put her through, I know she will be OK cause you've allowed her to be there and I know you would never allow her to be hurt, so AGAIN I gave her back to her heavenly father, 100 % of her.....so there you have it....

Me: Awww me...I have loss 20 lbs since my gall bladder surgery, have to cause of this nasty liver of mine, went down 2 pants sizes...yep I am happy and proud of my self, been going to church every Sunday I have off and loving it, my grown babies are home, loss weight, mom is doing great, John's pup is getting under control and GOD loves me, life is good, the enemy is trying with all his might to tear me down but I will NOT buckle......

oh such hard lessons for Amanda. If the rule was here she would have to serve three days mandatory and after all is said and done. Your car is gone and jail is on record. The jail time must be paid for like a hotel (a rather high price one). The lawyers get a hunk. All in all minimum around $10,000.! Then if any other tickets total loss of license.
I do hope Johns legs strengthens. I have been eating tums. Calcium and vit. d3 is important to restore mussels ect. That is so amazing he was given leave.
I hope your health too has improved. Good job loving Amanda so, it must just be excruciating!
This parenting gig is hard work. I hope your days are pleasant at work.
Your so sweet and thoughtful, it is always a joy to see you there and hear of your love towards me and mine.
Your a beautiful lady and friend.
BIG HUG! back at you.:)
Hey girl.... what an informative post... Congrats on the 20 lbs.... it is so had to lose weight...... I do not envy you raising children these days.. You just keep praying and put her in the hands of the Father EVERY DAY.....
I know you enjoyed the time with that soldier son... These son's sure own our hearts..............
Have a wonderful fall girl.... I look forward to the beautiful colors..........
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