You'll never guess what I saw this evening? When I get home the first thing I do is take off my shoes and change my cloths, then I start supper, and as supper is cooking I feed and give our Kelsey dog fresh water and love on her some, even though she's deaf, but she knows we all love her, Johnanthon says "shes not deaf, shes just ignoring you" well if shes learned that from him, shes learned from the best! I came in and checked my supper, trying a new recipe out, so I went and checked on it, glanced out the slider, and there laid our Kelsey, watching a black crow eating her food! Now, this same little crow, I'm thinking its the same one, cause its the same size as the one before, who tried to eat her food...I brought the food in last week end and that little sucker hopped right to the screen door and "squawked" at me, while looking in, I swear it was chewing me out, it new I brought that food in. I got up and it just flew up on our table we have out side and watched me, I said "Kelsey baby, don't let that birdie eat your food, you eat it" It was as if Kelsey thought this little guy, who probably has dive bomb her a
time or two, needed to eat too. I gave her fresh water and there on the side of her water bucket, doing a balancing act, was that crow! drinking her water now....Our Kelsey dog is a Springer Spaniel dog, they're suppose to "work" the birds to fly in the fields for hunters and retrieve, the only thing our Kelsey dog was retrieving was a nap. I thought, "O Kelsey, you have kind and loving heart" even though I'm sure this bird has been mean to her a time or two, so my question is this? If a dog can forgive and forget a bird who is, and has taken advantage of the whole situation, then why cant we? and retrieve a loving friendship with our worldly enemy?

love it!
She is so beautiful, takes after you girl!
I can just see that crow a chewing you out.
What a wonderful story and what a beautiful dog.
You are blessed to have each other.
What a cute story! And good point made at the end there!
Love you!
Kelsey baby is very gentle.
My Sheeba also leaves food for the neighbours mutts.
Good you had rain, its humid today and that has slowed my computer by ages.
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