My mom is getting ready to take ANOTHER cruse for 12 days, to Alaska, Good for them, (meaning her and my step dad) but sad for me, I hate it when shes gone, once they went on a cruse for 2 week's and I called the house and left a one sided conversation on the answering machine, she thought I loss my mind, and I think I did for a moment or two! It was around the time we were voting for our new president, and I said things like, now remember this is on her answering machine, I talked until it ran out of talk time, an I called back! Hey what are you doing? yea I went and voted, no Amanda didn't vote this year, is Bill golfing today? Have you talked to my brother? and then I say things like O sure, yea, I know Mom, (every once in a while) and then the phone would hang me up, and I called back and said "Why did you hang up on me momma? SO.........this time she's not turning her answering machine on, the nerve of this jewel, not wanting to hear my voice when she gets home! I called her cell phone once on one of her many cruses, " Annette, this better be an emergency" "I think it is" I told her," Whats wrong honey?" "I miss you" ANNETTE! that few second conversation cost me some money, I had to pay for
that one! I told her years ago to spend my inheritance, she worked for that money not me and she has been spending it, I'm thrilled she is, shes seeing places and doing things, and has done things she probably wouldn't have been able to see or do, and besides when a loved ones leaves this world and there's money left behind, its like gas to fire, causes nothing but problems! so, spending she is and it makes me happy, and besides I'd probably have to pay taxes on it! My mom is the sweetest little lady I know, with a mouth on her at times, but she tells you like it is, with no qums! and she doesn't even bat an eye! When Amanda's giving me problems from time to time, I tell her "She is your granddaughter" she giggles, she knows I'm right!

oh you make me smile annette.....and wonderful your mom is able to do these things and still wants to !!!!! good for her!
love you friend,
That is the very same thing I tell my Mom and Dad.... Spend that money.. No one wants it...... but they have not and i fear that one day it will be just as you said.... gasoline to fire..... AND there is not that much of it.... so that is worse....... Not enough to change any lives but enough to cause lives to change...... Fussin' and fightin'
I want to be left out of that.
I am so glad that your Mom is able to go and do... What a wonderful life she has....... and what a funny daughter that will call her answering machine and hold a conversation! You my friend are toooooooooooo funny!
I love your mom...and I'm so glad she's out having a good time...maybe you could write her a nice long appreciation letter and have it waiting in her mailbox when she returns...it feels so good to be loved!
you are blessed to have her. Mine has been long gone now some 7 years or so.
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