Golly gee...I just got home from doing some grocery shopping and cant believe how much it cost me, and the darn government wants to give me an IOU!!! just when is this going to end? Yes I could have been a little bit more chintzy on some meals but I'm tired of chintzy meals all the time! but at least I get the chance of eating a hot meals every night with my family, when their home now, I should be Thankful and yea I am....so on to the next complaint lol, teenagers sleeping until 11:00, until I came home and told Blake & Amanda, get up, no wonder you kids are tired all the time, you do nothing to get your metabolism going, I can run circles around you both on less sleep" they are now up!!! The other day, I believe it was Tuesday we had some of the prettiest white clouds floating through and I love to look at them and use my imagination and make things out of them, I saw a dove, an elephant sitting on its bum with his truck up, an air plane, and I always, always, see a chubby lady, how I know its a lady is it always have the female chest part, the sun was warm that day and some wind, but not enough not make me enjoy my art show in the sky, and yea I almost forgot....I saw an angel too, I try to get Amanda to do that with me so I know how her out look on life might be, but she doesn't always do it, although when she was coming home from work on that afternoon she did say "Look Mom, that cloud is shaped like a heart" and did look like a heart. Now, Johnanthon....o heck no! he wont do that kind of stuff with me, he thinks I'm crazy anyways. I did learn threw the grape vine, that there's this girl at this school he now attends that he thinks is pretty cute, and asked her out this week end....here we go with him now, I tell him all the time "I hope your learning something from Amanda and her ex boyfriend, and I hope your learning something from her and Chris" he gives me this look like "Your point is?" I love it!! If he even thinks about treating a girl like she's been treated he is so going to regret it and he'll know what a size 9 1/2 will feel on his rump!!!! I wonder when he'll bring her around, I did hear through the same grape vine, that she's a country girl. I hope all of you have a sweet day and God bless all of you!!
Maybe Johnathan could use a good reminder, "you can cut it son..." The young man being a "man" will have an eternal question..."can I cut it as a Man?"
Encouraging him that you believe in him. That you are proud of him. Even if some days you have to work hard to find something to praise. But be real, a phony praise is an insult.
that reminds me your kindness to me boosts me up. How sweet are your kind words. Thank you.
What's with all the clouds and gloomy weather? *sigh* Well, I'm getting a lot of reading accomplished, but not much else. I start back to school on Monday...yippee! (Remind me I said that).
John will treat his little girlfriend just fine...he knows...and I think that's so cute.
I raised two boys and told them from a very young age to RESPECT the women in their lives.. Treat them well and do not ever let me see them mistreating any girl they are dating! They grew up so well and became wonderful men......... Never had to put my 7 1/2 up along side their butt....... Trust what you tell them and they will remember it long after they have grown and gone
With you as a mother, I'm sure your son will treat his girlfriends right!
i am a cloud watcher too, annette...have been for a looong time! :)
bryan and i figure we can eat at costco every night when he retires for a couple bucks....:)...they have the best hot dogs...and all those samples?
i never had to have those conversations with a teenage son, as i had five daughters....but i did talk to them about treating their dates with respect also....hearts are broken by both!
love you,
have a wonderful day,
I had to come back and tell you how amazing that picture is ,,,, it is a heart! so just like God!
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