Just what does "Love" truly mean? In the Webster dictionary it says..."Noun~ a feeling of constant regard for and dedication to someone" Did you know in the sport of tennis "Love" means " to hold ones opponent scoreless" and 1 John 4:8 kjv "He who does not love, does not know God, for God is Love" I know allot of times I tell you "I love you" and when I say or write those 3 small words I truly mean it, I love with all my heart all the time, cause this is what God wants of me! I found this Valentine message some where here on the Internet and I knew it was meant for me have and share, when I read this I cried and while I wrote it down I was crying cause J
esus is truly my Valentine, and I truly do love you....
" A Valentine from Jesus"
I love you! You are mine! Your name is
written upon my heart. Your prayers are precious
to me! Your life is in my hand's. I'm always with
you, nearer to you than your own heart. I gave
my life so that you might live forever with me! All
I ask in return is your love. Be my Valentine ~ Jesus
p.s. " You are precious in my sight and honored,
and I love you" Isaiah 43:4
~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Hi Annette,
I am so thrilled that you visited me.Your blog is very pretty and now I am off to church but I will come again and visit you.
Please do come and visit my blog.
Jesus encompasses all there is to know about love, truly defining the word and how blessed we are to believe in something so transformational and enduring...no better Valentine to be had!
I cherish your friendship Nettie, you have a sweet spirit and I love you ~ I like that poem you found to share ~
Very precious. Jesus' life is after all the ultimate expression of love. Thanks for stopping by. I know I haven't been around much lately. It seems like time has gotten away from me lately.
Annette, thank you so much for your words..They have helped me through. I loved this post.
Sending you lots of love, Nita <3
Love this post and this scripture. Jesus is love and he does love all of us.
You are so special to me and I do love you too.
Have a blessed day as your heart is full of so much love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
oh i know the feeling, annette....of being so full of love for Him.....and feeling so blessed to be so loved in return.
we are home....and life is so good....will update soon!
Hi Sweet Lady!
Well I made the strawberry jam, perhaps you can bring some coffee...
That would be so coll. I see your in Ca. Long drive,but you know some say fresh bread is worth it.
Your so encouraging and kind to me .
This is how I love also.
I see my friend Amrita came by. She is a sweet powerful sister. With her you get what you see.
I hope your week end was a nice one.
Love is not a feeling but a Man..... that is what a Sunday School teacher always said....... I so believe that.....
He is love... and that is all HE is.....
I pray that you have perfect LOVE all through the week!
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