Today's Power Thought:

Apply Spiritual Iodine!

Apply Spiritual Iodine!
When your feelings are hurt, don't brood over it.
Do not indulge in self-pity. The minute your feelings
are hurt, put spiritual Iodine on the hurt at once by saying a prayer
of LOVE AND FORGIVENESS. Do just as when you hurt your finger.
Unless you do so, the situation can become distorted out of all proportions.
came across this and had to share!
Do not indulge in self-pity. The minute your feelings
are hurt, put spiritual Iodine on the hurt at once by saying a prayer
of LOVE AND FORGIVENESS. Do just as when you hurt your finger.
Unless you do so, the situation can become distorted out of all proportions.
came across this and had to share!
Oh that is wonderful advise...... I think I need to take that and run with it........I need some Iodine today..... and it needs to be very SPIRITUAL !!!!!
i love this, annette....thank you for sharing it!....easier said that done, but sooo important!
Thanks for this Annette.
Self pity is the greatest enemy of my soul leads to bitterness, depression, un-faithfulness and Lord knows what.I played it it for a long time and then God healed my emotions and I got rid of it.
Thanks for sharing this.
Wonderful words to live by.
God Bless You my friend
Just smile and know....
that WOULD have been an awesome breast cancer awareness care, annette!!!! i could drive it up and down the streets cheering everyone on!
love you,
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