" Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, and kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to a life around"
Leo Buscaglia
Leo Buscaglia
Life, Love & Faith is about what goes on in my world~ I hope you enjoy your time with me and my plan for everyone that visits to get a glimpse of my Life, Love & Faith and maybe a giggle..
yes so many times a little kindness is all that it may take to give hope to a wounded soul. May kindness come and overtake you in the beauty of all that is serene.
such a good thing to be reminded of, annette....in this time when so many have troubles of one kind or another.....it is the ripple effect....it goes on...and on...and on!
thanks for the "touch" today!
love you,
So true...the power of kindness is phenomenal...
A lovely illustration of why Leo occupies a place of meaningful honor on my side-bar (as in my personal growth.) Thank you, Dear Annette, for sharing this.
Lovingly ...
We are HIS hands, we are HIS voice... We are HIS touch!
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