Hey! Have you noticed I got a clock? My some time not sweet daughter showed me how to cut and paste, and I went to town, I have always wanted a clock on my blog and I did it! I asked her to show me how, not to do it for me but just coach me through it, and you would have thought I asked her to give me her pretty feet! seriously! and she does have beautiful feet, they are long and slim with perfect manicured toes, "Are you serious Mom? you don't know how to cut & copy?" " Well, if I knew how, I promise you I wouldn't be asking" I said back in a icky tone, after all she wasn't doing nothing I thought, well I thought wrong, all she was doing was straighting her long gorgeous hair for her boyfriend, now whats more important here? teaching me how to cut & copy or straighting her hair for him? I think my request is by far more important! and speaking of clocks, this reminds me of time, time of long, long ago...I had a nurse ask me today where I lived at, and I told her right here in Modesto, "How about when you where younger, what elementary school did you go?" I told her a country school in Turlock, well come to find out she did too, and she said "I've been meaning to ask you but I'd forget too, you haven't changed at all" she said, well in elementary school I was short and chubby with long blond straight hair and horses teeth, with this huge cap between my front teeth, I use to spit water with the boys at recess time, we'd see who could spit the furthest, some one would measure our distance! she saved herself tho, she said "I remember you by your eyes" and I told her "Good save Rhonda" and I explained why I said that, and she said "O.....that's right, I remember that too" she was one of those kind of mean girls then, but she's one of the many sweetest nurses I know now" so who's to say that time can be forgetful thing?
you are just going to town, dear friend.....isn't learning something new exciting?...(even if we have to ask for help!!!) :) and what a neat discovery with your co-worker.....such a small world!!!! i love when things like that happen!
love you...have a wonderful sunday.
It is such a small world and on most days that's a good thing! And I love that cute little clock even if it is a reminder I should be doing other things!
Love to you sweet cakes ~
Love the clock! You are adding more all the time. Isn't it so fun ! I love blogging.
God Bless You my friend
Just because we are a bit gray headed does not mean that we are not on the ball............. Love the little clock........ and I love going out and finding new things for my blog...... I would have it loaded up if I could !
Happy Monday
Cute clock and pink! Isn't it nice to know that sometimes age tempers our personalities into someone more kind and caring? I bet you were a hoot when you were in school.
I 'm glad you got the cklock Annette. I like the weather thingy too.
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