" Just A T H U M p, & she's wAs OuT"
My morning litterly started off with a "THUMP" my kitty was jumping off the foot of my bed and got either one or both of her little arms or a leg or two stuck in the Afghan I have on my bed and hit her head on the foot board and knocked her self silly, she just meowed for a couple of minutes and when she meows it sound like shes saying "Mom" and I jumped out of bed and t
heir she laid, I was kind of scared to pet her and love on her, but she let me, then she got up to follow me in the kitchen like every morning and she staggered into the wall like a drunk, I loved on her some more and as minutes passed she was fine, I was so scared she broke her arm or leg, or even a rib or two, put I just prayed over her, God heals animals too! I had 3 apples that where so soft, and I hated to throw them out so I made homemade apple sauce, you would have thought I'd given my teenagers platinum, told them to be careful and not eat too much of it, or they'd be sitting on their thrones all night, yea, so we'll see...... Mr. Sun came and visited us here today, so bright, we haven't seen him in awhile, but it's suppose to rain some more this week end, I totally don't mind, I love the rain, but I sure wish for a good lighting show and some thunder, we don't get good shows here like my real Dad, and step mother gets in Oklahoma, isn't that right Denise? you want to see and hear a good show put on by mother nature go to Oklahoma! Well my Johnanthon is o.k, BUT he does have to go and see a plastic surgeon,the same one that took my mole off my lip, I called it a witches wart that was suppose to be on my nose,but God said "No, its not a witches wart, it's a beauty mark" but what ever it was and who ever decided to put where ever it came off about a year ago, back to my Johnanthon, he's got a what I call a "Nodule" right on his left jaw bone, at first his Dr. said "Yea, he needs to see a dermatologist" and then Johnanthon said "But it doesn't hurt me, I grap and pull it out" as he's graping it and stretching it out, his Dr. said "Forget the dermatologist, he needs to see a plastic surgeon" "Yea, that's fine, only IF he can see the one that did mine", and I got my way!!! so now we wait on a referral!! I think on Friday, well...I know I am, I'm taking Joni & Kim's advice and baking another cake, if my step Dad, (my real dad in my heart, he raised me, for some of you who don't know) was still here in this world it would be his birthday, and I miss him something awful, he's been in heaven for 18 years, and went to live in his mansion at the young age of 59, he died of brain cancer, but after the crani surgery (brain surgery) it went every where, lung's, bones, kidneys, stomach, bowels, blood, I mean every where, he was such a fighter! I will post about him on Friday night, I wish I had a scanner so I could put a picture of him on my blog, so you'd have a face with the name. Well, any ways I need to go now, I get to thinking about this wonderful man, and yea, you know the rest. So Happy sweet evening to all of you!! Love you all!!
~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
I love homemade applesauce! Make it all summer......We have two real big apple trees on the north side and they are loaded!!!! AND YES YES YES we have thunder and lightening! Lots of it if anyone wants to come and see...... I do love the rain storms but I do hate the STORMS..
Sounds like your day was a bit hectic.... I had to take Mom to the hospital for more x-rays... so I am a bit tired also........
Sorry you lost your Dad at such a young age........ A girl needs her Father.........
Get some rest and we will chat tomorrow !
Sweet kitty, I know ...that's what she gets for wanting outside when your trying to sleep...hahah:)
Hay I'm glad to know you knew that level of loving kindness. You are rich.
Sounds like Johnathan will be in good hands.
Thank you for the sweet kindnesses.
a day in the life....hoping things are a bit more quiet for you today dear annette.....we get those awesome thunder/lightening storms here in arizona also....just love them, but they come during monsoon season...july-august.
seems just like yesterday that you posted about celebrating gilbert's last birthday...i can't believe a year has come and gone already!!!
maybe you can sit outside in the rain (or sunshine) and have one of your wonderful conversations with him.....and celebrate the love you shared and still share! wonderful to have someone like that touch your life!
warm hugs,
I'm so glad you are baking a cake for Gilbert...love just never dies! I have a picture of Gilbert on my computer (from my wedding) if you want me to email it to you for posting, let me know. Gilbert filled our hearts with joy on so many occasions. I have some wonderful memories of him!
And yes, this sunshine is wonderful! I love the rain too, but it's nice to be warm for a change.
Poor Licorice...so much for cats always landing on their feet...lol. Give her a scratch behind the ear for me.
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