" Holiday for men....."
Alright Ladies....This is a huge day for our men, in fact it's so big to my man that he cut our birthday weekend so he could be home to watch this game, why I get ready for this day! Larry has invited quite of bit of his buddies over, but I have news for him....he's going to be helping me, after all he's been on vacation. People make such a big thing out of this football game, it reminds me of another holiday, their holiday, and all of us ladies only get marathon days of "Lifetime" o I forgot w
e do get Valentines Day, and Mother's Day, why they get Nascar, baseball, and football! I want the Arizona Cardinals to win though, cause my friend Kim lives in Arizona, and mostly everyone in my home is for Pittsburg Steelers, I always go for who everyone else is not for, just because!! So just what are you going today for this holiday for men? I know some or allot of you ladies watch football with your men and I think that's wonderful, but personally I just like the commercials and halftime, so maybe during the game I'll be on the computer reading blogs or chit chatting with how ever might be on at that time, but I need to go....have spinach to steam for spinach dip, and veggies for cut up for the veggie plate, and I almost forgot....a vacuum to run, and toilets to clean, o man...toilets and a houseful of men, O KNOW!!! , I better go buy some bleach.....any who, hope all of you have a kick off day!!!
I AM STILL EXCITED about Kim's new grandson!!!!!
~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
:)...go Cardinals!!! not that i am a big football fan...just cuz they are from arizona....and such a cinderella story.....and we will be at jamie and matt's house because they ALWAYS host the super bowl party...and we are carrying on with tradition today.....and actually all us women will be talking more about our blessing than watching the screen, i am sure!!!! plus...we have grandbabies to watch! :)
have a wonderful day annette.
p.s. they are not home....we will just be using their place today! :) and thanks for your excitement!
I'll be the one piled up on the couch today...I've been sooo sick...blah! Yesterday was spent watching movie after movie, napping and reading, and as much as I don't really like TV...we're getting to be pretty good friends. I guess I'll have to hand the remote control over today...*sigh...but the commercials and halftime are usually pretty neat. Have fun hosting! Love to you ~
Hey I am for the Cardinals too but it looks like they lost the game.\Yeah, super bowl is a big thing with my sons too.
Love ya
Thanks for the kind words on my blog. You are such a sweet friend.
God Bless You
I rooted for the Cardinals..but we are Bears fans
...so I didn't cry.
It was a GREAT game..right to the end.
I too am so delighted about Kim's new grandson!!!!! woohooo
hugs to you..
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