I'm back home, it was so nice to get away for the night, we started out at Halfmoon Bay, made our way to San Fransisco and stayed there for the night, walked the wharf, ate dinner, walked some more at night, while eating my dinner, I got some very exciting news from Kim, from "Walk The Beach" text me to let me know her new grandson was born on my birthday!!! I was so happy for her daughter and son in law, it's been a very emotional trip for all of
them and God has blessed them with this sweet little angel, I'd like to say more but I don't want to over step my grounds, but just believe me when I tell you it's a blessing, and I was so happy I cried and then had to explain to my husband why I was crying....we went for Ice Cream and Larry said "You want to eat it here?" "O h*ll no" I said, I want to go back to the room and call Kim. So Kim, again Thank you for the best news I got, it truly did make my evening! This morning, I wanted to go to China Town, in San Fransisco....WOW, it's like it's own little world there, I was totally amazed by it, then we ended up at Jack London Square in Oakland, had coffee and just enjoyed people watching, and it's Chinese New Years and there was some Chinese children and adults there and they did the dance with dragon and the drums, just like you see on t.v. in movies....now that's something to watch! I came home with a picture that I could have bought it right here in the town I live in, but instead went to Oakland and got from a place called "World Market" I love this store! I came in the house expecting to find a tornado had gone through it,but instead my Amanda, her boyfriend Chris, My Johnanthon, and their childhood friend Blake had a cake with 45 candles all lit, that's right 45 candles, and o windy here blew them all out on the first blow. I had a great time just being away from everyone, just the every day hustle and bustle.

so so glad that you had a wonderful time, annette.....sounded like my kind of trip...down to the trip to world market!!! :)...i just felt i needed to let you know about his birth on your special day, because you have been such an advocate for jamie and matt.....and like i said....you sounded just the way i thought you would! :)
and what a wonderful surprise for you when you got home....sweet!
i'll keep you all posted about the goings on as i know them!
love to you sweet friend!
How fun. Welcome home.
What a deal! Blessings by phone and then cake with candles! whoooooooooooo ! Sounds like a wonderful time....... I love San Fransisco...... We honeymooned there..... almost 10 years now! We want to go back this summer for our 10th but not sure if that will happen.. We will see....... It depends on the health of Mom and Dad...
Thanks for sharing your joys.... Have a blessed Sunday!
Sounds like a joyful time all the way around...the baby news topped my day that's for sure! Welcome home sunshine!
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