Man, O man, my fat kitty is so mad at me, I threw her out side this morning she's been urinating on my bed, and I've had it, I have no clue why either.....so I hear her scratching at the door, it's nice outside, the sun is out, what more does she need? Here it is just a little after 11:00 and I am about to pull my hair out....Larry is on vacation this week EEK! "I promise, I'll clean out the garage, I promise I'll pick up Kelsey's calling card's, I promise I'll wash BOTH car's" the list goes on, and guess what nothing, notha, zilch is done, and in the mean time, I have changed the bed liens, vacuumed our room, dusted our room, took Amanda to work, and I'm still waiting for the "I promises" to be done, I knew I should have worked for at least a half of a day! When you do something does it ever take you back into your childhood day's? This morning I was making my Johnanthon some Cream Of Wheat and toast for breakfast, and as I was stirring it, I was reminded of my Mom making me Oatmeal and toast when I was little and how much I loved it! it wasn't very often momma would fix me breakfast, and I really don't know why, maybe it's because she was tired from working all night, she worked 2 jobs to make ends meet for us. Gosh, what I wouldn't give to have some of thick Oatmeal now, sometimes it was so thick, I swear you could hang wall paper up with it, but it tasted so good. I hope one day my Johnanthon will miss some of my not so good dishes, I know I will miss both of them complaining about them, that's one thing I never did, complained about mamma's cooking, parabley cause I knew better, but I do miss it now, and how lucky Bill (my step father) is too have her cooking now, and I bet he don't complain either (lol). What do you miss your momma cooked?
Funny you should mention it. Just the other day my niece emailed us all to see if we could give her a recipe for my mothers meatballs in mushroom gravy. There is no recipe, my mother would just do it. So my sister, their mother, told them to come over on Saturday to make meatballs. Not thinking of quantities. Suffice it to say they'll be eating meatballs for a long while. I could never eat my mothers meatballs, just too rich. But they were good.
Hello, just a thought , don't know why I thought of it. I do not have cats . It seams to me a tale once from a friend or acquaintance about a cat doing that and it was a kidney stone or UTI.
My mom cooked a lot a strange on that comes to mind is pork chops in an iron skillet.
Inch by inch and you can always be forgiven.
i have to laugh reading this annette.....cuz i am sitting here with a bowl of maple sugar oatmeal and toast!!!!!!!! kid you not! that is my dinner tonight as bryan worked late......as for my mom....she was an amazing cook....and i will never be as good as she was...i probably miss her sunday roasts the most!......
hugs dear friend,
My mom could make the BEST meat loaf..... The Best...... I have tried and tried and it just does not come out the same....... she would mix hamburger and sausage meat.... OMG with mashed potatoes and gravy........ Hog heaven! For sure..
Tomato gravy and biscuits! Mmmm...those were the best...remember? Ah, sweet memories...
Good luck with the kitty issue...and the Larry issue too...isn't the Superbowl this Sunday? Hmmm....there's an angle to be worked there somewhere!
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