I have been tagged by Denise from Samaritanwomen, she's got such an awesome blog, once you're there you want to keep going back for more, just go there and you'll know what I'm talking about. I will post some more about it here in a few, the rain clouds are so dark this morning that I'm going to get ready and go some where so I can drive in them, I need more candles, so off candle hunting I go....... now for the tag.
It's the "meme" tag!!
Rules are as followed:
Open a document or folder.
Choose the fifth folder and then the fifth photo in that folder
do a post describing the photo
tag five friends to the "meme"
So, here's my fifth picture, in my fifth folder:
I had to be honest here, this box of candy was going to sent out to all of you sweet friends of mine for valentines Day, I just found it yesterday, and when I saw it was the fifth photo I thought " Now what I am going to give to my sweet hearts out there in blog land?" This candy is beautifully decorated in a pretty heart shaped box, with another beautiful gold heart right in the center of the box, I want God to be that gold heart in my heart, my human heart is red and his heart is pure as that gold heart, all those little pieces of candy inside that pretty heart shaped box are all my friends and family that I keep so close and inside my heart. So......who's the center of your heart?
Now, for my five people who are being tagged~
1) Kim from " Walk the beach"
2) Deena from "Can I be pretty in pink?"
3) Irene from "Irenes Desk"
4) Patti from "Treasure Barn"
5) Vickie from "Whispers of Insperation"
** p.s.
I can't go NO WHERE!!, my wallet that has my
bank cards, and cash, and license are in Larry's truck and he's not home, he's
in a nearby town looking at junk cars and will be gone
the better part of the day! so no candle hunting for me, yet =)
It's the "meme" tag!!
Rules are as followed:
Open a document or folder.
Choose the fifth folder and then the fifth photo in that folder
do a post describing the photo
tag five friends to the "meme"
So, here's my fifth picture, in my fifth folder:

Now, for my five people who are being tagged~
1) Kim from " Walk the beach"
2) Deena from "Can I be pretty in pink?"
3) Irene from "Irenes Desk"
4) Patti from "Treasure Barn"
5) Vickie from "Whispers of Insperation"
** p.s.
I can't go NO WHERE!!, my wallet that has my
bank cards, and cash, and license are in Larry's truck and he's not home, he's
in a nearby town looking at junk cars and will be gone
the better part of the day! so no candle hunting for me, yet =)
Yes, Denise is a sweetheart...I recently began visiting her blog and it is very warm and cozy. I love your picture, it turned out so well and the preface is priceless. At the center of my heart is the one and only Jesus Christ, first and foremost, always and forever...
Oh I just love that what you said about the center of our hearts.... What a wonderful insight from the Father....... You did such a good job and I bet you find something else to send out on V-Day.... it can be a project! Like any of us need another project.!
Love ya! You have a sweet center of your heart! Wonder where that comes from...... ! JESUS
It is in the sweetness of loving that our hearts are made full.
I will also be following your blog.
There is a button to follow on my side bar if you like. Your very welcome to come. Thank you for your kindness.
Well I hope you are not in the dark all day long. You need to get some of those wickless candles that run on C batteries. They are really great and work very well for lighting in a pinch.
I see you have tagged me! Stinker!
Love Ya
what a beautiful post, annette....i love the picture you describe!.....and i promise i will participate soon! :)
love and hugs,
Annette, how sweet of you! I love what you wrote about! Very simple yet elegant. After Christ, my family. Without him, nothing else is possible.
i finally got my posted, annette....better late than never? :)
no news yet.....she has another dr's appt tomorrow...so we'll see if they know any more then.
Hi Annette
I'll do the MeMe
soon..Thanks sweetie
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