I've been off for the last two days so I haven't had to deal with the "Co~worker" but I will tomorrow...yippy...I think I'll have some fun with her for awhile, after all I will be 45 years old in a couple of weeks, and I am older then her, and she needs to respect her elders, hopefully any ways, maybe I can play duck, duck, goose with her? I have been feeling so blah lately and I'm not liking the way I feel towards some people in my home, I feel like I just don't care any more, I feel like I'm just going through the emotions of every day living, My Johnanthon has been the only one making me laugh...I try not to post to much personal stuff cause we all have our own issues and we learn to deal with them, but isn't it funny how one single person can bring you down extremely fast? and I shouldn't feel this way towards this person! why? you might be asking yourself "cause I love this person but this person or persons has changed so much, one of them I seriously could care less about right now, at this point in my life, but the other one I care so much about, I sit and wonder "What has happened to cause this feeling?" I feel like I cant even cry over about it, I feel so numb, I feel like I'm walking like a zombie, no emotion on my face or in my voice, just simple answers, I told them all just the other day "I don't feel like a mom or a wife, I feel like a hired hand" I'm I the only one who feel likes this or has the rest of you sweet ladies felt like this before? and if you have, what did you do to fix this problem, I feel like running away, leaving them and everything else behind and not thinking twice about looking back, but in all reality I would never do that.......".O God, what is wrong with me?", I've asked a million times.....still waiting on an answer.......
There is nothing wrong with you Annette and I'd venture to say it sounds typical. I bet after awhile those feelings will change. I think the important thing is to take care of yourself and make decisions that will be good for your mental and emotional health. With my depression, there have definitely been times I felt that way. I love a quote I found and I wish I could remember who said it but it goes, no winter lasts forever and no spring skips its turn. Sending big hugs!
Wow!! I am so glad to meet you. I love reading your posts. They are so helpful. I will be back...m.
i used to tell bryan when i was depleted of all my mothering and wifely energies :)...that i was leaving and going to texas....he'd ask why and i would say "cuz i don't know one single soul there!
love you friend,
kimberly (nonnie) :)
it sounds like you need to slice out a little time for yourself and let others manage their own way...I think all women feel like a hired hand from time to time and part of what makes it so difficult is we set our own standards and expect them from everyone else...you need a girl's night out!
Oh Annette: I've been feeling that way too. I love Joni's little side bar that list things she is grateful for and I just emailed her to instruct me how to do this. I feel if I write down things I'm grateful for I'll lift my spirits. I'm even thinking of doing a faith retreat, by myself. I think it might be Christmas let down. We expect so much of ourselves at this time of year, your bound to have a let down or two... God Loves you, and I'm sure he has your picture on his fridge.
Dear God:
The lady reading this is beautiful, classy and strong and I love her.
Help her live her life to the fullest.
Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations.
Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love.
Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you the most
and let her know
when she walks with you she will always be safe.
Love you Girl!!!!
Oh I think we have all felt that way one time or another in our lives. You will be okay. Maybe you are having burn out from your job and maybe you should think of another profession or just a break for awhile. This will pass my friend.
Just know I am here if you need to vent. I am a very good listener.
Thinking of you and I will pray for you.
Hugs and God Bless You
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