Today was kind of sad day......I helped a dear sweet friend of mine move, she's leaving her husband after just 3 short years of marriage. Her husband...well I'll put in a sarcastic way "A real keeper" he's quit a pretty descent job because he thinks his boss is racist, my friends husband is Hispanic and thinks every white person is against him, hasn't really worked since then, she's been paying all of the bills, and has fallen extremely behind in the mortgage, so they are now losing their homes to the bank, like so many of us has here in Calif. and he's moved her out of their bedroom for like the 4 time, he suffers from mental illness and has stopped taking his med's, so one day shes had enough and went looking for a place of her own, I told her to be completely 100% honest with the people about her credit, and she was and got the first place she applied for! It's a cute little place, so tomorrow my Johnanthon and 3 of his friends are going to help her move her heavy stuff. I know she'll start feeling better about her self real soon, he was verbally abusive to her as well, but that's what happens when people stop taking their med's for their mental illness, I'll tell ya, the mind is a very complex thing, I know, I suffer from depression.Tonight I'm so tired, mentally tired and physically tired as well, so I came home made some coffee in my French Press, that I got for Christmas, and did some of my house work, and after I was done doing what I wanted to do, I sat down for a few minutes and thought, " I think I'll go blog" Amanda is over at Chris's, and my Johnanthon is out terrorizing the town with his friend, probably going to the show to check out the girls, I know that's the only reason why he goes there, its not to watch the movie, I quiz him on the movies, when he leaves here, he's smelling sooooo good, and is shaved and looking pretty good in his wranglers, now if your a guy and your going with a guy friend your not going to get all cleaned up for him, unless.....well never mind, not my John! So dear ones I'm going to go now and check and see if there are any new blogs to be read, tootles..........
"When one door closes, another one opens..." Best wishes to your friend as she begins anew...and have fun helping her move, you are a sweet friend!
i agree with joni.....you are a sweet friend, and i am sure she is so appreciative of you and your help!....that's what friends are for!
hoping you have a wonderful week, annette....i feel run over today :) i think i have had little ones almost every day since Christmas...and yesterday had Wyatt all day at a wedding his mommy and daddy were in and he and brody all night.....i did get a luscious nap tho....so i'm up and at it again!
love to you,
I wish your friend the best of luck. I isn't easy being on your own but it is harder to stay in a marriage that is one sided. She is lucky to have you as a friend!
When you have a chance go to my blog.....you have been tagged my friend!
Sorry dear...I didn't know you had been tagged, but now you have been AGAIN...for another day, whenever...or not...*wink.
I will pray for your friend......I know the heartache of divorce for I have been there too many times..... she will need time to heal and to learn who she is in Christ Jesus or she will seek our another to give her comfort.......Just share with her the love of Christ and have her read the Book of Isaiah...... especially the 54th chapter...... It will bring her comfort and a sense that HE loves her so.....I will pray for her.... she needs a friend like you...
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