Hi Guy's!!! Sorry I haven't been posting for a while but I did manage to read some of my comments and I've been " tagged" and after I write a little I'll tell you about the "tag" I got and from who! My Johnanthon and his friends and myself got my friend all moved in and I think it might be time to pull myself back just a little, she needs time to be alone and let reality set in some, I have been over her place almost every night since shes moved out, and I don't mind at all, I seriously don't, I'm just feeling like she needs some space and alone time, time to think....when we where moving her in and I'd move a box in a room I'd say a little prayer and ask God to be with her at night and protect from all evil and I asked God to come into her new little home and I demanded all evil things to leave, kind of my own way of blessing her new home, it was a great week end to be moving, not a rain cloud in sight, nothing but baby blue sky and a real bright sunshine, I took it as a sign, a bright new beginning for her, clean and crisp. Thank you, all of you who have kept her up in your prayer's! All right here goes my "Tag"
, stop
I have been "tagged" by sweet Patti from "treasurebarn" stop by and visit her sometime, she has a nice blog that you will surly enjoy, o.k. this is how this works... I am to chot down 5 thing's I am addicted too, and I have to "tag" 5 other bloggers and I will do that at the end.
hmmmmm, lets see......
1) I am addicted to....my morning coffee, but gee who isn't these days?
2) most diffidently Ice cream, it can be zero below out, and I want ice cream, I gave it up for 3 months for lent, I seriously went through with draws...so to keep my fix, but not break my vow, now it's not ice cream, I opted for those yogurt things at McDonald's.
3) My bathroom's!! man I clean them all the time, nothing worse then using a dirty bathroom, I'm afraid of stinch, my children say I have an "OCD" with them, its a good one to have I told them.
4) I love my chap stick, I once forgot my here at home, and went to the gift store at work and paid big bucks for one!!! I was so lost with it, licked them til they hurt!
5) Last, but not least...."BLOGGING" my dear, dear friend Joni from "Morning Coffee" got me started on this, and I'm not joking I check every ones blogs through out the day, to see if there are any new entries, week ends are the worst!
So, there you have it, my 5 addictions, that I'm admitting too at least, now for 5 blogger's, I know hows this? When you have read this and would like to to it, then go for it, some people don't care too much to do these kind of thing's, but I kind of like doing them, it's a good reality check for me! Love ya all and tootles.......
hmmmmm, lets see......
1) I am addicted to....my morning coffee, but gee who isn't these days?
2) most diffidently Ice cream, it can be zero below out, and I want ice cream, I gave it up for 3 months for lent, I seriously went through with draws...so to keep my fix, but not break my vow, now it's not ice cream, I opted for those yogurt things at McDonald's.
3) My bathroom's!! man I clean them all the time, nothing worse then using a dirty bathroom, I'm afraid of stinch, my children say I have an "OCD" with them, its a good one to have I told them.
4) I love my chap stick, I once forgot my here at home, and went to the gift store at work and paid big bucks for one!!! I was so lost with it, licked them til they hurt!
5) Last, but not least...."BLOGGING" my dear, dear friend Joni from "Morning Coffee" got me started on this, and I'm not joking I check every ones blogs through out the day, to see if there are any new entries, week ends are the worst!
So, there you have it, my 5 addictions, that I'm admitting too at least, now for 5 blogger's, I know hows this? When you have read this and would like to to it, then go for it, some people don't care too much to do these kind of thing's, but I kind of like doing them, it's a good reality check for me! Love ya all and tootles.......
It's about time you popped in to say hello...I've been missing you! I hope your friend is getting settled in nicely and it is so very thoughtful of you to be so supportive and helpful...some times when the chips are down, a good friend is hard to find! I'll do your tag of 5 addictions...that will give me something to post on a "dry" day!
Love to you schnookums :)
I wanted to stop by as I've been absent for awhile. I had to catch up on a few of your posts. You are such a character and I admire that. I'm glad you helped your friend. Everyone needs a port in a storm. You are definitely a treasure Annette.
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