God has simply been so good to a dear friend of mine for at least a year now, she was diagnosed with bone metes after having a hysterectomy about a year ago, she went through the chemo and radiation and all was going great, her test where coming back good, what tumors she had where shrinking, she was feeling great! I saw her yesterday at work and she looked at me while I was walking down the hall and she couldn't get out of her chair fast enough, she cant run but boy she was sure trying too, walking as fast as her little feet and small fragil framed body would allow and said " O I need one of your hugs" and hugged me like a child would their mom, she said "Honey, I need prayer" well........... her tumors are back and they are growing, she goes back in 2 weeks for more MRI's to see if they are getting bigger and if they are she will have to have more I.V. chemo! I have been hugged by many people in my life, but there's something about her hugs that are just undescribable, they feel so good, the kind you don't want to ever let go of! So I am asking all of you to please pray for her...We know we cant live for ever and she once told me she was ready to go be with our Lord, but I told her "I am very selfish with my friends and I'm not ready for her to leave me, no one can hug me like you do" "O Annette, I will hug you one day and you can squeeze me tight and not worry about braking my bones" I just don't want her to hurt any more, she bent over once and picked up her back pack and cracked 2 ribs! Please pray for no more pain a healing would be great, its so easy to be negative about this whole thing with her and I'm trying real hard not to, but it's like something is preparing me for her to leave, she's never been married and no children but she has a great support system, her mom, dad, brother and lots and lots of nieces and nephews, and most of all she has God in her life and heart, I told her when you get to go to heaven look for my dad, his name is Gilbert give him a hug for me "I will, I sure will" she replied, I have cried until my eyes burned last night, and why? no matter what, her out come will be a splendid one! Thank you girl's.....you are all so awesome and I know you all pray.
Life can truly seem so fragile at times...I hope your friend recovers from her ordeal...hugs are the best thing in the world!
Love to you ~
I put the link up on my post for those cute little fish!
Sometimes it just takes a hug to calm the spirit man...... You were the arms of God... I will pray for your friend........ Life is so fragile and it is just like a vapor..... but eternity does not even enter into our minds.... Forever with our love ones and the Christ that saved us.......
Oh bless your friend. I will be praying for her.
Bless Your sweet heart.
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