Golly gee it rained so much yesterday but I seriously don't think it made a dent in our shortage of water here, we need a good flood like we had back in 1995, I think that's when it happened, That was sad winter in allot of way's, people where getting flooded out of their home's, bridges that crossed over small river's where closed cause it had flooded over them, there's this cemetery in the town that we lived in at that time and they where scared that it too would get flooded out, my Amanda was almost 6 and my Johnanthon was almost 5 and they where so scared that bodies would be floating down the street's, but we truly did need that rain and I believe God was just sending us a small taste of what he could and has done, and will do one day. I LOVE this weather!! There's good news to be told, My Johnanthon passed his behind the wheel test yesterday, so I now can get to work on time, but now I cant leave work early for any of his Dr. appointments that was always my excuse to leave early had to pick him up from school,take him there and take him back, not no more, I'll just have to meet him at his appointments now, 1 down, 1 to go! I'm off this week end and I'm embracing every second of it, my ears can hear the birds singing, I'm sure they are very happy it rained, worms are out every where so they are having a feast. I looked in my bible this morning on scriptures for rain or water and found this one that tickled my Fancy,
" He who believes in me, as the
Scripture has said, out of his heart will
flow rivers of living water"
John 7: 38
what a wonderful verse to think on this beautiful day, dear annette!....so glad you had a cleansing and refreshing rain....we still have cloudy skies...but no moisture today...but beautiful still the same!
hugs and love,
We do NEED the rain and it was so fun running through it last night listening to you tell me "witches don't do well in the rain"...lol...you made my sides ache. I'll stomp through puddles with you anyday!
Honk! Honk!
Come on over when you can.. I have tagged you for a Meme......
Beautiful verse Annette. Rain here in Oregon is an almost everyday thing. Might be a sprinkle or a downpour but they say if you don't like the weather here wait 5 minutes and it will change...how true. Rain is refreshing!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I promise to visit more often this year. I love your blog and I love having you for a friend.
Thanks for the compliments on my new collage!
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