To day is the swearing in of our newly elected president, and history is being made, to some today is not one they wanted to see and to others it is, who's to say who's right and who's wrong? I personally think it's fabulous that we get the chance of witnessing history today, our first African American president! I can tell my grandchildren, that I was around and I sat on my couch with a cup of coffee in hand and watched it on HD t.v. with my surround sound on! Please pray for this man and his family for safety first of all, and that God will give him the knowledge to make the right choices on some very difficult decisions that are current and in the future.
I sat in the jury selection room ALL DAY and watched the events on TV and I found it to be very hopeful...but I didn't have any coffee :(
I am one of the ones that did not watch....... I am so grieved for my country and pray that God goes before him and guides his way...... I know that God is in all workings of man........ I so pray that God blesses this nation......
i did watch annette....ALL day long...and my grandbabies watched too....and actually know who Barack Obama is now! :) (some knew before).....i for one am filled with hope for unity and acceptance and a new beginning.....to see that sea of people with so much hope and love and joy....just did my heart good!!!! i couldn't help but notice how much God was mentioned and included in this day.....and for that i felt grateful!
hugs dear friend!!!
The Obama family and our country are in my prayers each day.
The inauguration was overwhelming to me. So many mixed emotions . I enjoyed it immensely. Right or wrong it is in the hands of our Lord and Savior.
Hugs and God Bless You
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