Good Morning my sweet friends~

I worked yesterday and this was suppose to be my 3 day week end, which has never happened to me before but I agreed to work for a co worker dont know what I was thinking, but it does give me an extra day on the pay check, only to have Uncle Sam take it back....
My Johnanthon called me yesterday, he's now use to sweating he said and the boys in his group are getting better, not messing up so much, I reminded him that I was praying for all of them thats why they're getting better! he told me " Mom, you dont know how many times I have just wanted to quite and come home " I said " O..Son...don't give up, just stick it out your almost done, full fill that dream you've always wanted" the stories he's tell me makes me so sad and the things he's done I would never dream of making him do, but he's becoming a man and a solider, I told him " I wish I could help you honey" " I know you do Mom, who've always been here for me, but you cant help me this time" then I cried and bawled on the way home from work, but GOD reminded me that he's been there with little smart mouth boy, the little boy who was ALWAYS in trouble in school, the little boy that NONE of the parents liked their little boy to play with, the little boy who once brought me a snail shell with a the snail still in it cause he thought I would like it with the rest of the shells in the bathroom, the little boy who brought me a orange colored leaf cause he liked the color, the little boy who put cards on the spooks of his bike tires to annoy this crabby neighbor is now becoming a of the 2 ceremony he will attend when he graduates is getting his blue rope and he wants my step dad to put it on him, him and my step dad are pretty close I thought that was just the kindest thing ever, Larry's feelings got hurt a tad bit, but John and Larry have never been real close, John said if Bill and Mom werent going he'd want me to put it on him....I could write and write and write on Johnanthon but I will stop.....

Amanda's been a busy social bee..the county fair is going on and shes been going all week end, I have no desire to go this year just wayyyyyy to crowded, I mean dangerously crowded and the gangs are there as well as the drunks and those 2 together just dont mix, so I will stay home, Amanda and I have NOT been getting along at all, she's said some pretty hurtful things to me and I've become numb to her, so when I pray for Johnanthon I pray for her and tell LORD to have his way with her, and that I know no matter what he puts her through she'll be safe cause he's allowed her to be there for a reason, maybe I live in a world of " dreams " with her but I dont think it's wrong to want a relationship with her again, I do not like her crowd of friends at all, they have nothing going for themselves and arent worth a pot to put water in but I just ask LORD to open her eyes and he will one day, he knows her calender and what event is gonna happen when and in the mean time I cry my eyes out for Johnanthon sometimes and then pull my hair out for her.....but GOD will prevail!!!!!

Well between the two of us crying for our children, we could probably fill a pool and take a cool dip. How can the same kids that make us so proud by their behaviour make us so angry by their behaviour. Love you. Put in a good word with your God for me, as I will for you. I actually told my youngest son yesterday, that I should not worry about my eldest, because it seems God is looking after him, even if he's a pain. Thank You Lord.
Isn't it funny how all the little shenanigans become the sweetest things to recall? I'm proud of John and Amanda will be fine...just wait and see.
Love you ~
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