Today I have thought about so much and missing so many important people that where once in my life...I wonder why there are days like these? I wonder why some days I miss them more than others? I sometimes believe that GOD allows these memories to come and go to remind me of what lies ahead for me and how I will never have to wonder these thoughts again and my heart will never feel heavy again....I miss these people so much they ALL played very important roles in my life and I am who I am today because of them, I wish I could be given one more time with them to tell them I love them, to give them hugs, to be able to tell them how important they have been in my life, just the one more time, so until I see them again all I can do is talk to them as if they are here with me now and believe they hear me but it's nothing like it would be in person to see their facial expressions or feel their skin when they hug me back or smell their sent all I have now are memories of all those things...sometime back I wanted to call my friend and the only phone number I could remember is my brothers and I wondered why....so I sat on the couch and had a conversation with him, closed my eyes and pictured him here with me, I could see him laughing at things I told him about our Mom, the kids, this pup, and I could see him cry when I told him I wished he was here and how I felt he was missing on so much and I could see us hugging each other, I remember caressing his face and playing with his ear lopes, yes I LOVED my brother more than any man I have ever had in my life, he never walked out on me and momma and I know one day I WILL walk through those pearly gates and he will be there waiting for me, no more imagining !!!!!!!!!! I wonder what these people who have left will look like now, they say in heaven you are young, will I recognize them? will they recognize me? I believe so......

hay girl
here at 4 am
fell at 7 pm
typing on a new lap top and trying to get used to the keyboard
it does weird things
it will be that typing will be one of the last things ill be able to do soon' next and a day i will have total knee replacement
my lack of blogging is a season so set in settleing into to who i want to be
it is in also the absence of who i am if that makes sense
it is in having privacy as well from the inlaws and a sister
who how much it has silenced me having her back in my life
boundaries are so hard with her a very contrary woman
i have felt so overwhelmed in life a year of lots of medical stuff
we went to see a movie
'tree of life'
it was AWESOME
set me back within myself
letting go of so many things in my life style has been a real test to me. one i falter at
I am enjoying learning about feng shui in entieror design alas now all will slow to a stand still a while with the knee surgery
this season Dash will be home doing virtual school. Dove now 14 an entering jr high. Ill miss her first day of school on the 10th my surgery being the 8th
letting go trusting them into Gods hands best place they have ever been kept anyhow
I love you Annette forgive me my absence just to withdrawn this last year.
We are made up of everyone that crosses our path. That is such an inexplicable blessing... and especially so in your case. I love you my friend ~
I don't know what it is either, sometimes you just think of a person that made your life the way it is now. Cherish those moments, don't cry about them, there is a reason why we think of these people, my mom always said to say a prayer for them. It usually gives me a peaceful feeling.
There are really days where we sometimes caught ourselves wandering around our memories and flashing back all of those past happenings in our lives. Maybe bad or good. And we wonder why these memories are coming back around in the corner of our mind. Maybe it is for us to let go and to learn...and/or maybe to remind us how to be true to ourselves.
We can never escape from wondering why...Who can be? It's nature to human to wonder, to ask, to explore...and it's what really what makes our lives turning into a cycle of improvement.
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