This is me.....

My photo
California, United States
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a aunt, a friend, a godmother, and best of all....A child of God!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nice weather, waxy ears, to hormonal girls, Annette...NO PHONE CALLS!

WoW!!!!!!! Wednesday already!!!!!
Some real nice weather here in my part of Cali, house work done, or as much as I'm going to do anyways =) My Johnanthon is in Sacramento signing his contract with the Army, they have him a job, that's what they call it, its a position he wants he's been there a couple of times alrea
dy, this last time they put him in a taxi to go to the doctor office to get his ears flushed out, "too much wax" well crap now, he cant help it that he's a waxy kind of kid and when he returned the jobs where all taken, then he got a speeding ticket sometime back and ignored it, he "thought" it was warning, tried to explain to this boy of mine the cops don't give out those little pieces of yellow papers for warning's that say "appear on....." so that delayed him a bit, Momma to the rescue after $200.00 later, a job came open and they held for it for him as long as this ticket was paid by Monday, how sweet of Uncle Sam, he will be heading off to boot camp next June, and that's in Georgia, and there's my sweet little social butterfly.... Amanda, her and her long time friend where going to move out together and rent a room, and in a weeks time that all changed, which makes me just wee bit happy, told them both that when you move in with a friend some times a great friendship is ruined, well Amanda told me " Mom, "K" is just too hormonal for me" giggle here, and said " O really Sis, cause that's what I'm hearing from her about you" I had to put "K" in her place, imagine that! when she started bad mouthing Amanda to me, like I told "K" " We may not like her friends or her boyfriends but we have to respect her and choices and I cant change her, you cant change her and neither can her dad, she is who she is, so STOP bad mouthing her to me and trying to get me to gossip about my own daughter and her choices, AND..... if my memory serves me right, your one of those choices as well!! "
I think today I will try and make this small patio pretty, I have some tube lights I might try to hang, man I have never seen so many nails in a patio than here, move Kelsey girls home, still haven't done that, and just rearrange some stuff and pull out some stuff from the garage, then watch mother nature will decide to give us some more rain and wind.
Man, I so badly miss Momma, she'll be back next week, another week, (sigh, sigh)
she left me the ships number and said " DO NOT call unless there is an emergency" I said "Sooooo, calling and leaving you a message that tells you I love you and I'm missing you is out of the question then?"



kimberly said...

sounds like it is life as usual around there!!!! that is the way it is here too....always something...but how blessed we are! i think you and your mom need to go on one of these crusises together!!! wouldn't you have a blast?
i prettied up my patio too, cuz i love having my coffee out there in the morning....until it gets too hot! have a great day dear annette!

Denise said...

I love this post and I think that "I Love you Mom and miss you " is an emergency.. I smile when I think of you and your mom.... I have never had a relationship like that with my mom.... Mom has been clinically depressed for years and kept to herself... BUT I love her with a passion.....

Make that patio pretty girl and go out there and read or just enjoy... Life is short and we need our time to reflect and talk to the Father .........

Love ya!

~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~


October is breast awareness month!

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P E A C E ! ! !


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"Our Kelsey Dog"
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.