This is me.....

My photo
California, United States
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a aunt, a friend, a godmother, and best of all....A child of God!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Daniel Hope~ Our God given angel with Down Syndrome

Here are the pictures of my Daniel Hope! She's my God daughter with Downs Syndrome, isn't she just a beauty!!!!! shes 3 now and signs, she does say some words but according to the teachers she's behind in vocabulary. She is a true miracle, she was born with holes in her heart, like so many of them and I had everyone I knew praying and every morning they'd take x rays of her heart to check the holes and they, (meaning Dr's) where going to do heart surgery and one morning holes where present by afternoon for one last set of x rays before surgery holes gone!! boof, vanish, by by, all from the power of prayer. I never knew how much I could love another child, like I do her, she grasp my finger when she was new born as to say "I'm always going to be with you" and that grasp my heart strings and this little angel that God blessed this world with has had my heart every since!!


Irene said...

She's absolutely adorable, Annette.

Denise said...

What a sweet sweet face and HOW blessed is she to have a God Mother such as you.......... In blessing we are blessed.......... God has a double standard!!!!

Have a blessed Sunday girl!

Donetta said...

Hi Annette
Oh she is so happy what a fun heart. I can just see you giggling along with her.

~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~


October is breast awareness month!

P E A C E ! ! !

P E A C E ! ! !


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Amanda, me, my mom & my niece Terisa

Thank you Sweet Donetta

Thank you sweet Denise

Thank you Denise~

Thank you Denise~

Thank you Denise~

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"Our Kelsey Dog"
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.