This is me.....

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California, United States
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a aunt, a friend, a godmother, and best of all....A child of God!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

A last conversation & prayer with Mat~

Please pray for Amanda & Johnanthon's friend Mat, he leaves late tomorrow for Afghanistan, he is the youngest son, and his older brother is over there some where as well, this poor mother. I talked to Mat tonight on the phone for one last conversation until God brings him back to his home land, "Annette" "Yes sweetie" I answered back "Well please visit my Mom and send me pictures when you and her send me care packages" with a chocked up voice " Of course I will Mat" "Well you do one more thing with me and for me?" he asked again "What's that honey?" I asked of him, "Well you please pray for me right now over the phone, pray for me to have strength, and for God and the angels to protect all of us that are leaving tomorrow? I know you love God and I know you pray" trying to hold back tears I prayed with him. I never knew what other people felt when they would say, Our friend, or our neighbor has a son or daughter in Afghanistan, Now I know how they feel.... so please keep and continue to keep our men/women and Mat and his family as well the other families in your prayers. "Mat, Keep making our country proud" "I will, I love you Annette" "I love you too Mat" and the phone hung up.........

For the Marine Reservist
One ordinary man, with a heart made of gold
Training one weekend a month, until he was told
To bring all his strength, and control all his fear
Kiss his loved one's goodbye, but don't shed a tear
Now is the time to put your training to the test
Fighting a war with America's best
Seven months you will be gone, in a land far from here
Fighting a cowardly enemy, the dangers will grow near
Don't give in , don't give up, stand tall and be true
For you are a hero fighting for the red, white, and blue
The country will thank you, and proud should you be
Because the world will be safer for both you and me

-Dawn Cook-

1 comment:

Denise said...

Oh A........ that broke my heart..... Such a blessing to pray with him and I will write his name on my prayer list..... bless our troops oh Lord we pray......... Cover them with the blood of Christ....

I wish they could come home.... I do not agree with this war.....

~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~


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