This is me.....

My photo
California, United States
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a aunt, a friend, a godmother, and best of all....A child of God!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

First day back to work & Formal pictures

Well today was my first day back to work since my brothers passing and it went OK, I was alright until coworkers started coming in and giving me hugs, then the tears started rolling or nurses I hadn't seen asked me where I'd been, and the topper of them all when the supervisor was in our office and I walked in and he said "Welcome back Annette, are you all rested and strong" as he flexed his arm muscle and my sweet friend and coworker looked at me and said real low " O, O" and all eyes are on me, they know how I speak my mind, I looked at him and said "You know "A" I didn't take a vacation to the Bahama's and drank little fruity drinks with a slice of pineapple in them, my brother died" " I know that" he said and I said in a loud and stern voice "Then why did you ask, obviously you never lost a only brother who raised me" and I started crying, and my friend said "Come on Annette, lets go out here" I was so mad and hurt that he could be that heartless, and he did even try to say "Sorry" a testing of me letting go of my "bullheadedness" I suppose, but sometime when I was off I got nominated unanimously for something I did, and I remember what it was, we had a patient in the hospital from out of town, she was a trauma and her teenage son was there with her 24/7 and had nothing to eat, they don't give guest trays out very easy any more, scared they might lose the almighty dollar and I had $20.00 and gave it to the boy so he could eat, and took him an extra pair of sweats, t shirt, socks and underwear, I didn't do it to be "awarded" for a good deed, I did it out of love and I always think that, that could be me and one of my children, you know the old saying "What comes around, goes around" so because out of love I got recognized with a gift card for Target and my picture taken and it will go up on a board. God loves a cheerful giver......

Here are a few pictures of my Johnanthons formal.....Was hoping you could of seen the camouflaged vest better, but it really was nice..when I get the one from the formal its self I'll have the girls mother scan it and mail it to me and I'll post it.


Donetta said...

O" O"
is right~
You know that for every kindness the thief will come to try and steal. The thief showed the soft spot and the thoughts were fed into the suppers mind and without bridled tongue he spoke them out.
Our enemy is not flesh and blood but the powers that be in high places.

shake the dust off from him and hold fast to all those who listened to LOVE and spoke that truth out their mouths.

Wonderful to have you back.
Jonathan looks great, his girl is a gregarious soul.

Anonymous said...

So sorry your supervisor has no tact! I had hoped the first day wouldn't have been that hard but coming back always seems to be for some reason. Love the formal pictures. They look so grownup.

Irene said...

I'm sorry you were upset. Love your Jonathan's pictures. Isn't he handsome!

kimberly said...

there are just some people, know.....sorry you had that happen on your first day back....hate to think of your heart aching!
i LOVE the photos....what a cute couple....looks like they had a FUN time! thanks for sharing!!!
hugs dear friend....thinking of you!

sanjeet said...

They look so grownup.

Work from home India

kanishk said...

I had hoped the first day wouldn't have been that hard but coming back always seems to be for some reason. Love the formal pictures. They look so grownup

kobe beef

~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~


October is breast awareness month!

P E A C E ! ! !

P E A C E ! ! !


Our F A T Cat

Our F A T Cat
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~ Joyce's Girl's~ Thanksgiving'08
Amanda, me, my mom & my niece Terisa

Thank you Sweet Donetta

Thank you sweet Denise

Thank you Denise~

Thank you Denise~

Thank you Denise~

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"Our Kelsey Dog"
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.