This is me.....

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California, United States
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a aunt, a friend, a godmother, and best of all....A child of God!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Am I different? No honey, your not

My home is silent, the only thing I hear is the cars passing by and dogs barking from near by home's, and soon there will be the hustle and bustle of going back to school, another year making new friends to go into a circle of friends that is already made, exams to be taken to see if you really learned what the teacher has been teaching, struggles with classmates because you chose to wear wrangles and ropers and have a cowbell hanging from the bumper of your truck and a sticker on the back window that reads "Redneck" and you chose not to go to "keg" parties instead you chose to go to deer camp and enjoy mother nature, that's what I love you about my sweet Johnanthon, you don't care what other's think, you never have, that's what I in steeled into your little brain when it was developing. My life has been so thrilling with you in it!
I was sitting here this morning and thinking about all the struggles him and I have had as a child with special needs and the stress it has put on him in school. I remember once when he was o probably in the 3 grade and had gotten sent home again for what ever, there was so many of
those times and him and I where in the elevator at the hospital,I had to go back and fill out my time sheet, and there where people in the elevator with us, his soft little hand holding mine, he knew I was upset, but not at him, at this thing he was diagnosed with called ADHD..he looked at me asked "Mom, I'm I always going to have this and get into trouble?" I looked down at this little man I loved and said "Yes, honey you will and you'll learn how to control it" "Mom" he said still holding my hand "I'm sorry, I'm not a good boy" holding back tears and I picked him up, hugged him, kissed his soft cheeks that had that little boy smell and told him "Please don't ever be sorry for something you don't have control over yet, you are teaching me so much, your teaching everyone who loves you like I do something, I promise you" I remember that day like it just happened yesterday and it makes me sad, but God has done some marvelous things with that little boy, school is still a struggle, life is a struggle, but life is a struggle for all of us whether we have ADHD or not, even though he's 17 I still worry about him and school. There was this poem I read once and it read....Your a different drum, with a different beat, and I so love and appreciate this drum that has that different beat!


Donetta said...

OH your such a good Mom!
I love this and really was touched by the beauty of it!
Have a great day!

Joni said...

God made each of us unique and different from all others intentionally and while sometimes we strive to be like others, it is a blessing to "march to the beat of a different drum" - there are great things in store for John and what an honor to be a bystander and watch as he grows out into the world.

kimberly said...

this was beautifully written, annette......and i sit here with tears in my eyes.....i just SO love the advocate you are for your sweet boy.....and the way you have embraced him in every aspect of his have been his anchor and encouragement!!!!! i am sure that is the reason he is doing so well and happy today....he is one lucky boy/young man and you are one lucky exceptional mama....
love you sweet friend!!!

Irene said...

You are so brave, and life for our little ADHD but again their accomplishments are so great, because they really deserve them. What would your life or mine be like without our little boys with ADHD. Mine would most certainly be boring.

Tony Raz said...

The time that I was blind and needed to see the light was tough. I needed info on dual diagnosis treatment centers. And finally found the one that worked for me.

~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~


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