All is silent in my home right now, the t.v. is off, Larry is sleeping, he works night's, My Johnanthon is burning up his gas, probably out riding horses, or is over at this girls house, who asked him to her Sr. prom and he accepted, and that's only a few week's away! I got told not to worry Mom, I have money. I need to sit him down at a table set the right way, and teach him some proper table manner's, give him a paper plate and paper napkins and something he can pick up to eat with his finger's and he's happy! I can see his wedding reception now.....rib's, corn on the cob, rolls, and canned soda, o and brownies ! I swear he makes my heart giggle, do these children ever out grow their ADHD? I hope not, he makes my world exciting and new every day! Amanda is with Chris, you know these teenager's now...they've been going out for a very long year now, and Amanda had her birthday a week ago, so they are out celebrating. Celebrating a year of dating? I asked her what she gave him, and with much hesitation she finally told me " I gave him some money for his stereo" and said the amount, I'm surprised all of you didn't hear me scream "HOW MUCH!!" and I blew, now let me remind you something, # 1) his pick up isn't even a year old, so you know his stereo was half way descent, 2) she's suppose to be saving for her self a car, and when that stereo in that car doesn't work as good as these young people think it should, she'll regret ever giving him that money, cause now she'll need a new stereo 3) she's CRAZY!!!! what happen to a new shirt and shorts, or a CD,something.....but not that much $, but I am reminded her heart is and was in the right place, even though I'm the one who's having a problem with him, but I have every right too. I just have to put back into God's again! and watch her fall, and be there to love her when she does, but when? well that's up to God, not in my time, I'm being reminded. So, I think I'll go clean my bathroom and bedroom, since that's the 2 room's I hate to clean, they say you should always clean the room's you dread doing the first, but I don't always, I figure....No one goes in their but Larry and I, so why clean it first? makes perfectly good sense to me.
silence.....oh sounds good! :) i had a bit of that myself today and finally ( i think) got this silly computer fixed....fingers crossed......well....amanda got her generous heart from someone i know.....wonder who? :)
hugs and love, annette!
Silence....... that is what I need the most.........
Love to hear about the "kids" .. My mind wanders back to the days when I had the two boys at home and it was just the three of us..... Oh times were hard with no money but we had such love...... Lots of laughter and lots of talks around the table. They grow so fast..... and as for putting things back in God's hands...... I do that all the time and now God is calling me HIS special Indian Giver! ahahhahha
Have a wonderful weekend girl..... we will be busy outside again if it does not rain......
I too let my room go to the end of the priority list, but when I take that time and tend to my sanctuary I really do rest much better.
youth is for the young. We old folks just know too much. :)
Silence...I love my morning quiet time. It's the only time of day I can wrap my mind around what I need to get accomplished and spend a little time in conversation with our heavenly Father so He can help me prioritize. And yes...Amanda received her generous heart earnestly through you...good that she's a giver ~
Love and hugs to you ~
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