How was everyone Easter Sunday? mine was very relaxing, went to church
and watched Larry's little brother perfume in a program, they go to an Assembly Of God church and if some of you don't know that kind of service, they are not boring and great music to be heard! Jesus was diffidently happy I know it, I sang my lungs out and loud, it may sound awful to some, but to him it's delightful! then we went to Larry's cousins house, waaaaaay out in the country, and BBQ'd! they have 4 of the cutest pot belly piggy's, one I swear thinks he's a dog, he rubbed all over my leg's, let me play with his cute little ringlet tail, and rubbed the side of head on my hand, even laid on his side to scratch his pot belly! Larry's cousin made the best desert.......she took oranges, cut them in half, cleaned the pulp out, made orange flavored jello, poured in the half oranges, refrigerated them over night, and sliced them up lik
e oranges, and they tasted good, so....the next pot luck we have at work, that's what I'm gonna make! my Johnanthon and his friends went camping today until Thursday, I asked them if they got this and that from the store when they went shopping for stuff, and I said "Please tell me you got toilet paper!" and thank goodness they did, but forgot milk for their mac and cheese! he called tonight to let me know they made it OK, and that they sat up camp, I give them til Wednesday and they'll be home if not sooner, suppose to rain where they're at tomorrow night, we'll see.........but I noticed he took his Easter basket, I put together, call me dumb, I know they are teenagers and I usually ALWAYS get them a chocolate bunny, but it's been years since I put one together for them, instead of coloring books and crayons or cards, they got candy, chocolate bunny, gum, peeps, and Johnanthon got some Ax, the body spray the younger men use, and Amanda got finger nail polish, and hair ties. I miss those days of them waking up and opening the front door to see if the Easter bunny came, but they also knew the meaning to Easter, you'd ask Amanda and she would tell you " Jesus came back to life, he's not dead any more, he lives in heaven and wants me to live with him" people would just be in Aw, over her response. Dinner is done, dishes are done, and desert is calling my name, someone brought in some strawberries, and I took just enough home for the 3 of us to have strawberry shortcake, so I need t
o go, Love ya all!

Love the jello orange slices. Glad to hear you had a great day.
sounds like a love and fun filled day, dear annette....ours was too....lots of love, yummy food, fellowship, grandbabies, kids, egg hunts and of course baskets of goodies!!! i am like you....i still make a basket for the girls....and get chocolate for the boys and baskets for the grandbabies.....and always have an egg hunt for the big kids....and of course the little ones!!!! house isn't clean yet...getting there!!! :)
hope johnanthan has an awesome time camping.....
hugs and love,
Some how I really messed up and did not make a basket for my son..... He is 39 and I never miss an Easter....... YOu did good girl and sounds like it was a memory making day........
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