As I read Denise's post this morning something wanted me to share this......As so many of you know I work in the hospital as Physical therapy aide, so I get the chance to meet so many wonderful loving people, about 3 months ago I had the chance to meet one of those special people, the kind that just touches your heart and soul, she had me coming back for more of her, I'd sneak and take small breaks in her room and we'd just talk about what ever tickled our fancy, she was 53 years old, never married, and no children and she had cancer, I use the letter "C" for that word and all of you know why....she was having chemo and radiation treatments and at one time her tumors where shrinking, but still made their presence known, we'll she got to go home for about 2 months with no treatment in mind, then I got a call from one of the nurses on the oncology unit and my friend wanted me to know she was back, so of course I went to visit, after all she kept me wanting more of her company, she had the fruit of the spirit! Now here's the hard part of this post and I know I will have to proof read this, just last week her mother, who doesn't live here in California, but came out to take of her daughter, had to bring her back to the hospital and as I entered her room, I had been prepared for what I was about too see, there in the bed laid my fruit of the spirit friend, in a pretty teal green nightie, eyes closed and having a difficult time breathing, I bent down over bed touched her hand and called her by name and she opened those beautiful hazel eyes of hers and smiled, I knew she knew me, I complemented her on her nightie and told her how much I treasured her friendship, and I told her " We WILL have a date one day uh?" and she nodded her head yes, and I asked her "W hen I get to heaven, will you hold my hand and run the streets of gold with me?" and she nodded her head yea with a smile, now I'm bawling here and chills all over my body, my head feels warm, she fought for days to stay here and on Monday I went too see her again and I prayed with her, and the nurses and her family and my self all stood around her bed and sang hymns, and my friend slipped peacefully into sleep, and is awake in heaven now, but the God's love was in that room, you could so feel him and then her mother started clapping for she knew her daughter had made her destination, her trip......Heaven Gate's. I will miss my friend and I vowed to never allow my self to get attached to patients again as I sat in the stair well and cried for her departure from this world, and one of my co~worker's who acts so callused but I saw a different side to him said " Annette, your a good lady and you will allow yourself to get attached to another patient, your heart is HUGE and so full of love" I will miss my friend, but I know I will see her again, her and her best friend since grammar school has made plans, they are going to lay in hammocks on the front porch of their home and watch the sun rise every morning together, and her friend said they'll hang one for me too.....I cant wait! 

thank you for sharing this beautiful story, dear annette....you ARE one beautiful, caring, kind, and amazing lady.....and i feel so happy to have "met" you!.....how wonderful for these patients to have someone who genuinely cares for them....with all their heart.
hugs and love,
You do have a HUGE heart Annette and I love you! Your story touches a special place in my heart and if its hammocks we can look forward to then count me in!
Good day sunshine ~
I am glad your friend had you to love her. We all need people to love us and not to give up on us.
You encourage me everyday Annette.
love you, Nita
Oh girl ....... How precious was this story.... It is so hard to keep your heart removed..... Our hearts are filled with the life of Christ and the love that pours out of us is HIS love.. Oh what a reunion we will have when we meet there......... Hang a hammock for me if you get there first...... If I go then I will look for that porch with those hammocks......
My friend Jean is still her...... I have not idea what is keeping her here.... I am having so much trouble with seeing her..... There is nothing left........ Annette, it is so hard for me and I feel so guilty for not going every day.. but I am struggling...... I know God knows all the answers... and I will trust HIM...... but I pray that Jean's time is soon....
What a gift you have
For those who go on before us stand at the right hand of God, ever interceding for us both day and night.
Think about that. AT HIS RIGHT HAND she stands...
I am so grateful you will forever have her standing there for you.
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