"Seriously......why the self photo's??"
Hello Dear One's....If you have teenagers or children at home that know how to download pictures or things do you ever check at their stuff? Well, I am one of those mother's that do, I don't go snooping in their rooms, but I do go snooping through their back packs, but now that I only have one in school, that leaves me with one back pack, I'm only doing this because I care and love them both with all my being, so this morning I went through some of their pictures they down load, and I have found out it's Amanda that downloads allot of pictures, of her self, no less! Johnanthon has a few from snow boarding, but Amanda, now this lovely daughter of mine, loves to take pictures of
herself, and I can not figure out why? I know some or most probably goes on her "My Space" page, I have never seen so many pictures of one single person in my life, and whats this thing with her lips all puckered out? Does she think she's getting that "dreamy look"thing going on? when all reality she looks like a collagen job gone bad!! or just has been stung by a bee! I will have to ask, then I'll let you know her reasoning to this puffed up lip business, I hope I can post a picture of her for you to see so you'll what I'm talking about, and Johnanthon...why doesn't this handsome boy smile? he's looking like he's "Johnny bad *ss" or he needs to go to the rest room or something...I could only find half or less self taken portraits of himself, so this tells me one thing "He's secure with himself, who's he trying to empress?" I had to smile this morning when going through these self taken pictures, golly, I hope I can find them to down load. Myself, I cant stand my picture to be taken, and this 1 teenagers loves her self, which is a good thing to some degree, maybe....
~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Isn't it grand that, at an age and in a phase of development when Self-Identity is in its formative stage, young People have this new device for taking an objective look at who they are in the eyes of their World. Back in the stone ages of my youth, we had only those distorted images from the few mirrors in the house from which to take a look at how we were perceived. Now, young Folk can do all sort of modeling and testing of their emerging Personae to help in becoming comfortable with the Image of themselves they are projecting. I do believe that this is a super-cool help in establishing an evolving 'comfort zone' with themselves. And ... BONUS ... it costs $0!! Yeah!!
Lovingly ...
1. it a girlie thing:)
2 it is a guy thing to be cool.
Teenage life Oh the humor of it.
oh annette....you make me smile!...does amanda read your blog? :)...lots of use for self-photos these days.......and self-assurance can't be a bad thing in this world....plenty of others to tear them down...so....keep smiling amanda and johnanthon!!!
hugs and love dear friend!
cameras can be fun...my kids have even squeezed me into some of those spontaneous pictures...all in the light of capturing one moment right now...it's good clean fun! And I am curious too, does Amanda read your blog? You're funny. Oh, and by the way...thank you for sharing the moon with me last night...it was a precious phone call that made my day...seriously, who takes the time to do that these days? I loved it and I love you. And you were right, it was gorgeous.
I know what you mean. We had quite an unusual family gathering some months ago, and my nieces who should have been taking photo's of the guests and the action happening took a multitude of photos of themselves. Not even very good ones. And there they were on facebook. Your son and daughter are gorgeous, nice to look at. I guess it's better that they like the way they look, than not.
She has a camera on her phone. She is a teenager, they do strange things.
Cute daughter even if her lips look swollen. Good looking son too.
Pursed lip girl and bad a** boy. How much fun is it to raise these beautiful children......... I am back and out reading some blogs....... I have MISSED YOU!!!!!!! So I am going to try and catch up...
Love this post!
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