It started out a very beautiful day, colorful spring flowers where in bloom, the grass in peoples yards was almost a emerald green, the ski was a clear blue with the sun out and warm, but not hot, it was June 15, 1990, I had just returned to work from being off almost 3 months from having my beautiful baby girl Amanda. I called Mom to see how Dad's night was, he was home and dying with "C" the day before I told him I would come by after work with Amanda, and he shook his head "No" "No, you don't want me to come by?" I asked curiously, he shook his head again but this time in "Yes" "O yes, you don't want me to come by?" shook his head no frantically with a look on his face"Alright, lets get this straight...do you want me to come by with Amanda?" a stern yes was nod, it dawned on me..."No, your not going to be here?" and his little bald head shook yes again, 'yea, you will" I cried.....it was about 6:30 a.m. and I called Mom, his blood pressure was 60/90, and I knew the time was close for him to leave this world that he suffered in for 8 months, I went about my work at the hospital, it's called denial, 15 minutes later I got a phone call.."Annette, it's your Mom" "She probaly wants me to do something for her after work, before I come over" I talked to her on the phone for a few, and said "O.K" the nurses all looked at me, and I continued to do patient care, and it hit me then, I fill to the floor in a patients room and bawled so hard, nurses came running, for they knew what happened, they called Larry and told him about my Dad's passing to come and get me, we went straight to Mom and Gilbert's place, I walked straight into the room, shook Gilbert, and demanded for him to wake up, he never woke.....there was a family of Mourning doves, living in their awning, and the Mom and Dad had tried for weeks to get the babies to fly, Gilbert and I would watch them together, the babies had out grown their home, but they were not leaving, they finally left, they left on June 15, 1990, I was sitting out side on the step when the mortuary came to get Dad, I would not allow them to put him on that crickety gurney, I did it with love and carefulness, and sang song of praises and thanked God for allowing me the honor of having this man in my life.I pushed my dad to the hurst and closed the door.I sat on the step and cried, like I never cried before, I happened to glance up at the family and the family looked at me and left. Since that day these beautiful God given birds have always had a very special place in my heart, and no matter where I live, there is always a family that lives with me for a few months, infact I have one now, that sits on the electric wire across from my house, and every evening I go out and wave hello to it, I love to hear them coo, its a calming sound of love. If I have shared this with you, I wont apologize for repeating it, I want you enjoy it and know of this storey every time you see one.
oh....what a beautiful.beautiful. heartfelt love story, annette...and thank you for letting us share it once again....the doves have started showing up once again....and i will never look at them the same again.
i love you,
Holy . It is a beautiful remembrance. I understand for knowing these things to...there is a timeless place where love abides without boundaries.
A very precious story I never tire of hearing, thank you for sharing it again...sending you a big hug.
Our little dove is growing so fast. Only one of the two eggs hatched, and mama is starting to leave the little one alone from time to time...I enjoy peeking in on them, they're fun to watch.
Have a good day love ~
Thank you for sharing. I love the way the dove sound also, but now I'll have a new glimpse of them.
Beautiful story Annette
God Bless You sweetie
Soft tender touch of a daughter that loved....... Strangers not allowed.. a beautiful story of the love of the heart..... I have a back yard full of morning doves... I love their gentle song...... we have about 5 pair living close....
Such a beautiful post.... and I am soooooooooooo glad to be back out here in the blog world......
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