This is me.....

My photo
California, United States
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a aunt, a friend, a godmother, and best of all....A child of God!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

" Just because"

Good Morning Dear Friends
Here is a little something to let all of know I am SO THANKFUL for all of you
and hoping you all have a delightful day. So please take these flowers and enjoy
them. Love to you all~


Anonymous said...

The flowers are so pretty! I hope you're having a good day. It always brings a smile to my face when you stop by Annette. Hope work is okay as well as the kids and hubby.

Denise said...

Taking my flowers and putting them in a vase on the table! Mummmmmm they smell good........... Love you to girl friend..... love you to............

Joni said...

Well thank you Miss Nettie, at least with these I won't be sneezing my head off!

Donetta said...

Well now I got some flowers after all. HAHa
Hope your joy is full

pchickki said...

Thanks for the flowers Annette
Hope you are having a great day
I am so glad to have a working computer again. I missed you!!
Hugs and God Bless You

kimberly said...

thank you sweet i have some for the vase on the mantel! :)

~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~


October is breast awareness month!

P E A C E ! ! !

P E A C E ! ! !


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Amanda, me, my mom & my niece Terisa

Thank you Sweet Donetta

Thank you sweet Denise

Thank you Denise~

Thank you Denise~

Thank you Denise~

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Thank you Kim

Loveable Blog award

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Brillante We Blog Award

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"Our Kelsey Dog"
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.