I think I'm going to do this, most likely I will......volunteer to be a hugger at the Special Olympics, huggers stop these precious people from running, or less they'll just keep running around the track, they don't realize that they have ran their share, as many of you know I have a Goddaughter that has downs syndrome, and she is the most precious thing in my life, next to my children! I witnessed her birth, and non of us knew Mom was carrying something already so special, Mom didn't know she was pregnant with her until she was 7 months along, kept having periods, wasn't sick with morning sickness, so Danielle didn't get proper prenatal care while in the womb. Doing Special Olympics has been on my heart for a very long time, and I know it's there for a reason, so I have to be obedient and do his will! Johnathon has a friend who's brother has downs syndrome and I just love talking to this young man, he goes to high school with Johnanthon, and he told me the other night, while he kind of looks at me from the side of eye's, like so many of them do, with a serious kind of look on his pudgy face with his cute little ears showing, in a semi low tone voice "Uh.........John's mom" "Yes, sweet heart" I smiled back"Uh.....your a nice mom, with uh.....a nice John" that did it....I melted. So, tomorrow I am on a mission to find who I need to contact, we have a school in a nearby town that works with these angels, and I'm calling there and finding out the skinny, then I'll let you all know, I cant wait, my heart is jumping, just thinking about it, before too long my Danielle will doing this very same thing, did I tell you I picked her middle name? It's "Hope" cause she will bring Hope to all who ever gets to meet her, if you would like to see my Danielle Hope, just scroll down and you'll see her with Amanda, she's dressed as a little bumble bee, it's a Halloween costume, I need to go and get some recent ones to post, soon!
GUESS what I am doing this weekend girl friend!!!!!!!!! I am making 346 tee shirts for Special Olympics here in Oklahoma.. We have a home for special needs here in Ada and every year they go to the Special Olympics........ This is my 6th year to make the shirts........ I will take a picture for you and post it when I am finished....
Allow me to offer this bit of personal Special Olympics encouragement to You My Dear Annette.
Lovingly ...
Oh how fun!!!!!!!!
I love the hearts touched and then bounced that loving right back upon you own soul.
It is going to be a wonderful experience.
i can hear the excitement in your "voice" sweet annette.....i think that not only would YOU love the experience.....but those sweet children would LOVE.LOVE.LOVE your special hugs!!!! beautiful!
love and HUGS to you,
What a wonderful idea! When Kristin was in high school she helped facilitate the PALS program and one year she invited me to come to their school's "special olympics" and I did and I instantly fell in love with so many kids. You'll have a great time and it's something you'll keep with you forever, you'll be the best hugger out there!
p.s. Day 5 - I'm still squishimg and mushing!
Annette, I don't know why you guys don't give up on me. I am sorry I haven't visited..I just feel weak.
I wanted to thank you so much for your kind, kind words that you leave me like little presents.
Elizabeth is asleep now, and I am up thinking.. and trying to catch up to my dear friends who don't give up on me.
i love you friend, Nita
p.s you were a born hugger. and i admire you so much for your kind heart.
love nita
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