Hi Guy's!!! my brother is home, well at our Mom's, she's playing Momma and there's no arguing with her about that, he's got to go back in a week to see the cardiologist, they where going to discharge him with out him seeing the cardiologist, and I told the nurse "O No he's not" well she proceeded to tell me the Dr. wasn't in the hospital and that the Dr. wrote the orders last night (the night before) "Page him then, I know it can be done..I work in the hospital and I know how it works" well by then the manager of the unit was in talking to us, and I stood firm on my grounds, and sure enough the Dr. came and we asked a 101 questions, and the whole time my brother is
mad, laughing at me, and embarrassed, but I got my way...AGAIN! I apologized immensely to the nurse for being such a butt hole, but I wanted her to understand how my mom and I felt, I do it for any one that I loved or thought was being pushed to the side. Now on to today....It's gorgeous out side, the little birds are singing love songs, and I can smell mother natures perfume in the air!! I opened up my windows to get some of her sweet smelling perfume in my home, do you think spring could be here? and I think I'll go pull some weeds later, they should be easy to yank up. Don't forget to sit your time ahead, or back, depending where you live, I know allot of you like this time, but I don't, never have, and I don't know why, maybe cause I know the heat will be coming in a few months? You read about me telling you things about Amanda & Johnanthons friend Blake, well there is some sad news to be reported, his grandma, that he lives with, a few months back they found some spots on her lungs, and did some more test on them and she has only 6 months to a year to live! his Dad called and told me and said he just couldn't tell him, asked me if I could, now how was I suppose to say no to that question? It took me a long time to say anything and when I did he just cried and all I could do was love him and hug him and tell him spend as much time with her as possible, please this young man in your prayer's, he's trying so hard to focus on going into the army, and he's got ADHD and these loving people tend to keep things bottled up inside them cause people are so cruel to them with words and actions and most of them feel like failures in life due to issues from earlier childhood, I know what I'm talking about my Johnanthon is a ADHD young man, you have to approach them just so, and I love both of these young men!!!

There is, My Darling, no greater Gift to be given than what you gave in your, "all I could do was love him and hug him." In that giving, you communicate to every need, and fear, of each and every Soul. Well done, indeed!
Lovingly ..
you are one wonderful lady, dear friend.....you feel so deeply and in all sincerity, that it can be felt in your written word!!! and i would love for you to be my advocate if i needed one!!!
love to you and i will keep them in my heart and prayers.
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