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California, United States
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a aunt, a friend, a godmother, and best of all....A child of God!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"How St. Patrick's Day came around"

St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. March 17 is celebrated in his honor every year, and by the Irish community worldwide.

St. Patrick was born in Britain around 385 A.D. At the age of 16 he was sold into slavery by Irish raiders and spent six years in captivity. It is during this time that he found religion and upon escaping went to Gaul monastery to study. He became convinced that his purpose was to convert people to Christianity and once a priest he spent 30 years traveling around Ireland establishing monasteries, schools and European culture after the fall of The Roman Empire. He died on March 17, 460 A.D.- a date which has been celebrated as St. Patrick's Day ever since.

Traditionally, this is a religious holiday. But today St. Patrick's Day is more of a festival. In Dublin, Boston and other cities across the globe, celebrations include parades, concerts and fireworks, shows which attracts tens of thousands of people- all wearing green, of course.

According to one legend, St.Patrick used three leafed shamrock to explain the concept of Trinity, (What a very interesting way to explain the Trinity uh?) True or not, shamrock remains one of the most significant symbols visible on St. Patrick's Day.

So, there is the history to St. Patrick's Day.


Donetta said...

I love history and the understanding it affords us.
I was so touched by John the other post. I love times like that with my son.

kimberly said...

happy St. Patrick's Day, dear annette....and thank you for informing us.......have a festive day dear friend!

Joni said...

It's always fun to celebrate the wee bit 'o Irish that is in all of us! Happy St. Patty's Day ~

Denise said...

I am half Irish and 1/4 Native American and Dutch.... does that make me a bad person! hahahah I love history and need to spend more time reading....... My grandfather on my Dad's side was born in Dublin on St Patrick Day.......NOW you do not get more Irish than that! He is gone now but Happy Birthday Granddad!

I would love to see the Emerald Green Isle one of these days.......

Amrita said...

Happy St Pat 's Day to ya

~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~


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