This is me.....

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California, United States
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a aunt, a friend, a godmother, and best of all....A child of God!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

" A little bit of info. on Ash Wednesday"

To day is Ash Wednesday and I will post some on Ash Wednesday.....I am very proud of my faith and I wear my ashes with such, some say "You idolize the Virgin Mary, O, so not true, we Thank her for giving us her son, some say "You pray to Saint's" again not true, we pray to God, certain Saints have been recognized for the miracles, while they where alive, but, here again, another BUT we know that God is the healer, and yes, we do believe in the Holy Spirit. God has done some marvelous things in my life, that only HE can make happen, I love him with all my being and I look forward to the day I can feel his hand in mine when he's reaches his arm out to me, and I can't wait to see his eye's, the look of love in them, and feel his hair, that looks like satin, and touch his robe, I can't wait, and I do believe the time of leaving this world is nearer than most realize, I'm I ready? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Therefore I reprehend myself, and do penance in dust and ashes. Job 42;6

Now, a little FYI on Ash Wednesday:
First of all the ashes are recycled Palm leaves, that church member bring back from the following Palm Sunday year, they are burned and blessed. The ashes from burnt palms show us the link between victory, and penance and mortification which ashes have always symbolized.
Before mass, a verse from Psalms is said asking for Gods grace & mercy, then their are 4 prayers said that express what the ashes means. The ashes are put on forehead because it's the seat of pride, and for showing the world we believe in God, they are to witness to the public of things that our society does not wish to embrace, the reality of death, forgiveness of sin, and the hope of resurrection in Our Lord, Jesus Christ!!!
Now some of the information here I got from a Priest, and he looked at me and said "Anne (he always call me Ann, maybe from St.Anne, but close enough to Annette, and I let it go) you should know most of it....go do some research, and not from google, and let me know what you find", well I have and he gave me some more information to share.... remember God say's " Remember, Man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shall return" Genesis 3


Denise said...

Hey girl...... Thanks for telling me a bit about this. My Dad was raised Catholic, but married a southern baptist. Over the years he changed to baptist so growing up we only knew the Baptist faith, and never learned any of the Catholic faith....... AND the body of Christ has no banner over them except the banner of Christ..... We are all children of God and I so look forward to strolling down those streets of gold with all my sisters in Christ....

Joni said...

Sharing is learning and I appreciate your explanations...peace can only be a reality when we understand the ways of each other...hey, that's a pretty good one huh? I noticed today was Ash Wednesday...on my way to school there are three catholic churches and traffic was tied up...glad to see so many participating!

Love you ~

Amrita said...

Thank for sharing about both the traditions

kimberly said...

yes....thanks for sharing, annette.....educating others about things we don't know is the place to start for acceptance and of my daughters married a very devoted young catholic boy and has since joined the catholic i do have good conversations with her about things.
enjoy your day, dear annette!

Donetta said...

first gain understanding then knowledge and implement wisdom...

Understanding , loving each other is the beginning. It is good and profitable to do.
your so beautiful. I love that you love HIM.

~The mind is like a parachute
it works best when it is opened~


October is breast awareness month!

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P E A C E ! ! !


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